child custody rights book

Child Custody Rights Divorce Book

divorce child visitation
Custody - Visitation

Custodial/Non-Custodial Parent Record Keeper

To secure child custody or proper divorce visitation rights, documentation is a must!

When there is a divorce separation between parents, it is seldom on friendly terms. One parent, or both, can be extremely uncooperative where custody and visitation are concerned. Child custody and visitation rights can also be un-justly denied by the courts

The Custodial/Non-Custodial Parent Record Keeper is designed to help you with this much needed documentation. With formatted log pages you can easily keep detailed, organized records that will assist you, your attorney and hopefully the courts in determining "What's in the best interest of the children."
    Identification Card
    Medical Records
    Child Support Payments
    Expense Record
    Child Visitation Pick-up/Delivery Report
    Mileage Record Report
    3rd Party Interference-Phone
    3rd Party Interference
    Communications Report
    Attorney Contacts
With the "Record Keeper" you can have all your information at your fingertips; recorded and neatly organized in a professional looking, court ready, attractive leather-like binder.

Remember, there are no guarantees in divorce situations and when you go to court. So many factors outside your control do exist. However, with the information you record in the Record Keeper you will have the best means of protecting and securing your child custody rights and maintaining an on-going relationship with your children without all the hostility and "hear say."

child custody log book
Price: $49.95
Plus $6.95 S&H
Availability: In Stock
Shipping: Usually within 24 hrs.
Excluding weekends
Delivery time 1 to 4 business days
U.S. Mail Priority Express Package
For overnight orders additional
charges will apply
Confidential Packaging

Dimensions: 11" x 113/4" x 2"
Weight: 2 lbs. 11oz.

Contact: DMS
PH. 209-838-2517
Fax 209-838-2517


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