Cookbook > Titanic Dinner Recipes Cookbook
Last Dinner on the Titanic
Titanic Recipes Cookbook
Last Dinner on the Titanic features sixty recipes from the Titanic dinner menus, reworked for the modern kitchen. This cookbook reproduces exactly what it was like to feast on the most famous of all passenger ships. Readers will experience such Epicurean delights as Lobster Thermidor, Quail's Eggs in Aspic with Caviar. From the liner's first class dinning area there are recipes for Poached Salmon with Mousseline Sauce, Filets Mignons Lili, and Chocolate Painted Eclairs. For a taste of life below-decks, sample Roasted Pork with Sage and Pearl Onions or Plum Pudding with Sweet Sauce.
Readers will find more than 100 original illustrations, lavishly detailed, recreate the ship's many dining areas and eloquent atmosphere. The cookbook also has complete directions for hosting a replica dinner including ideas for sending the invitations, setting the mood, and decorating the table, as well as choosing the wines and presenting each dish just as it was aboard the Titanic on it's maiden voyage.
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by Dana McCauley, Rick Archbold,
Walter Lord
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