TurboTax 2004
Intuit TurboTax Deluxe, Basic Federal & State Tax Software Selection
Intuit TurboTax for tax year 2004 is still the number one tax preparation software for prepairing and filing your state and federal tax returns. Intuit TurboTax Deluxe 2004 for homeowners and tax returns with multiple deductions, Basic federal is the most simplified for individuals with few deductions, Premier for self-employment, small business, rental income and TurboTax Business for prepairing larger business and corporate tax forms.
TurboTax 2004 Deluxe

Intuit TurboTax Deluxe software guides you through your federal tax return step-by-step with extra help for mortgages, charitable contributions, medical expenses, and other income tax deductions. TurboTax Deluxe provides help on key tax areas from official IRS publications and expert video advice. It compares your last year's tax deductions to this year's. The software re-checks your return for accuracy, overlooked deductions and audit flags.
- Free 1040 electronic filing after mail-in rebate is included with the Deluxe 2004 version. Filing your income tax returns online is the easiest and fastest way to get any refund you may be due.
- Improved deductions and credits interview helps you maximize your most important deductions, including mortgages, charitable contributions, education expenses, and more.
- The medical expense expert helps you maximize on your medical expense deductions.
- Updated tax library includes IRS publications, more than 1,000 pages of references, a complete tax handbook and video tax advice from financial experts.
- Updated U.S. averages comparison: lets find out how your deductions and income compare to the rest of the country.
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TurboTax Basic Federal 2004

TurboTax Basic Federal for year 2004 guides you through your federal income tax return step-by-step. It asks easy to understand questions, puts your answers on approved IRS tax forms and re-checks your federal return to make sure it is accurate. Intuit Turbo Tax Basic comes with the the latest tax law changes and one free 1040 online e-filing after rebate.
- Instant Data Entry lets you download your W-2 wage, 1098 mortgage interest and 1099 investment forms online. It then enters your data on the right forms for you.
- Imports your data from Intuit QuickBooks, Quicken and Microsoft Money software.
- Interview has been improved to give you better guidance and more explanations.
- You save even more time by transferring tax data instantly from last year's tax return prepared with a Turbotax or TaxCut software program.
- The instant help feature has been improved to make is easier to find answers to your questions the moment you need help or have a problem.
- Comes with one free e-filing after rebate. Read more....
ItsDeductible 2004

TurboTax ItsDeductible Software is the Kelly Blue Book for donated items.
Buy using ItsDeductile you will be able to assign accurate values to your donated items so you can get the best possible tax deduction allowed within the IRS guidelines. This software contains values for thousands of commonly donated items and it will give you values based on condition and type.
More Features
- Track and manage many other donations, including cash, mileage, stock and other non-reimbursed expenses.
- Transfer your donation information into your 2004 Turbotax personal return with a click of a button.
- Accurately value donations for multiple tax returns.
- Works for all charitable contributions.
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Intuit TurboTax 2004 Multi State

With Intuit TurboTax 2004 State for Win/Mac you can transfer tax data directly from your Turbotax federal return to save you time and help ensure accuracy. This software guides you through your state tax returns with easy to understand questions and puts your answers on state approved tax forms for you. It performs math calculations automatically and re-checks your return for accuracy and omissions.
The Multi State Cd-Rom includes programs for all 45 states that require an income tax return to be filed and your purchase entitles you to one state of your choice. Read more....

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